The Big Purge

It’s started, Spring cleaning, a moving sale, or whatever you want to call it. No, we aren’t moving but we’re cleaning out as if we’re going to. You see it finally just became too much.

I don’t know what the trigger was but Mom started in the oldest guys room where his closet was literally 3 feet deep with clothes and other stuff. The big hope was nothing was dead or moving under the massive pile.

My day started with me loading wine at 6:30. The misses helped and should not have as it set her neck and head off. After I arrived at the distributor I had to unload it and then load up some other wine, drive home, unload some of it, load some other, drive across town, unload it and then head downtown to unload some more. Finally I headed home, did some legal/tax work for my accountant and rushed off to Fed Ex. At 3:30 I was done and headed upstairs to see how the misses was doing. Although there was a huge pile of trash outside by the garage, it didn’t look like she made much headway. So I jumped in with the youngest and after telling him how I liked to re-arrange my room when I was a kid, he was all in.

The next hour or so we spent just cleaning out under his bed. We then vacuumed and moved his dresser to the opposite wall and slid his bed to the other corner. There’s a big pile at the top of the stairs of stuff to go and other stuff to put back but that’ll take some time to work through. Meanwhile you can actually see the wood floor in the oldest guys closet, something we haven’t seen literally in years!

Today after I head to the distributor and load some more wine and then go unload some more wine, I’m going to start in the basement and work my way towards the misses upstairs. I don’t know how long it’ll take to get to her, probably a few weeks, but we’re determined once and for all, to clean up and get rid of all the useless clutter before we officially become hoarders!

It’s 4;34 now and on top of all this, I need to get to the gym before I have to head out to the distributor at 7am.

To cap it all of, a plane load of samples, some 200 cases, leaves Italy either Thursday or Friday, meaning Monday at the latest, they’ll be dropped off in my driveway for the semi annual pick, pack, and ship to states all over the U.S.  Throw in some 100 degree heat and there you have it, a fun week.

So time to get moving, hope everyone is doing well. If you’re looking for something to do, come on over and lend a hand, we could use it! Take care and God Bless.

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