Yesterday, in the morning our house looked like “Hoarders” lived here. However, since my friend was due to arrive I started in one room at 8:30a.m. and put away the last load of laundry at 8:00p.m. Â Seriously, you couldn’t walk through the playroom or the boys room. Â When the boys clean their room they tend to stuff everything into their closet and under their beds. I’m sure I didn’t do that when I was a girl…I’ll check with my Mom, she may have a different take on my childhood cleaning abilities. Â We did take a break during the “Spring Clean” to enjoy a family dinner.
The boys are off T.V. at our house for a week. Â We sure get a lot done when no one is sucked into the “Boob Tube”. They went down to Uncle T’s for a bit yesterday (No worries if they watched a show). Â They rule for the week is no T.V. at home. The oldest did his chores…doggie waste…when he came in from finishing his task, he stated…”It’s so easy to get this done when I do it everyday” An “Ah Ha” moment for a 9 year old.
The day was beautiful, a little windy but that didn’t stop this generation’s “Bicycle Brigade” from enjoying cruising up and down our street for a couple of hours. Our neighbors are great…there is always a parent out watching the fun and yelling “Car” when one is approaching. Â We also put out giant orange cones to alert drivers to “Slow down”. Husband and I also are supervisory parents when his back is well and I am not consumed with cleaning and organizing…(back and organizing doesn’t happen very often). I am determined to not let the clutter consume us again!
My friends arrived at about 8:30 ish. They changed Hotels because of asthma and allergies. The fire burning here in Colorado is sending smoke in the direction of their original Hotel. Â We are going to take them to a great park in Boulder and then let all of the kids go swimming at the indoor pool at their Hotel. Â I am really excited to see all of them!
I hope Hubby’s back feels better today…I have to start breakfast…Dad is taking over…
Ok now to the economy, war, rising food costs and crime, Â just kidding. I’ve decided to leave you all alone for a while as you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. I had to pick up another 25 cases of wine yesterday am while Mom was cleaning, this of course didn’t help my back. The misses helped me (she did most of it) unload the boxes into the house and basement. After a few more errands I tried to settle in on the heating pad on the couch. I’m more upright today but still in pain when I move or get up from sitting. It’s been a week today so I should be back to normal hopefully by tomorrow or Saturday. Tomorrow’s our anniversary, no plans, just another day, although one with great memories and a time to reflect on the past 11 years. What a great wedding we had (thanks again Mom, Dad and Mom and Dad in law) and we still have people to this day tell us it was the best wedding they’ve ever been to! It’ll be a bit cooler today with rain in the forecast tomorrow. We need the moisture for the trees and grass so this would be welcome.
Boys are eating breakfast and doing great without TV. If it wasn’t for sports, I’d turn them all off, maybe I will anyhow. Of course I’d have to turn them back on for the NFL draft and football season or else just get a key from my little brother so I could show up at will whenever I wanted. Not sure how this would go over. Point is when you don’t have TV, you don’t really miss it. I know this first hand as whenever I’m in Europe I see no, none, nada, TV and come to find out when I get home, I really didn’t miss anything important.
Anyhow time to get moving, we’re getting the boys out of school a bit early today to go to Boulder (as the misses pointed out), to let the kids play and visit with her friends children. No wine that has to be boxed or moved (at least by me) today so outside of a couple of hours sitting in a car, my back should get some rest. I can’t really take any pills during the day as I get too loopy. I need to get back to the gym and will probably go in the next few days regardless of my back, just can’t take anymore time off. Don’t worry though, if/when I go, I’ll just be working my upper body sitting at weight machines to take all pressure off my back. I have a physic to maintain you know, big party coming on in a few weeks in CA.
Take care, and God Bless you all, too bad for Liz Taylor but she’s probably in a better place as apparently she’s been in a lot of pain for years. Also had 7 husbands, WOW, must be some kind of record.
Have a great day, oh and only 1 comment yesterday from my little sis in AZ, where are the rest of you? Right now she’s the only one eligible for the prize!
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