No School

Good morning.   The old dog started barking at…yep..5:15 a.m. We told her “No”, she kept on barking, one shrill yelp at a time.  We continued to tell her “No” and finally called her back upstairs and had her lie down.  She did come up and lie down, however she was panting so loudly that we could not go back to sleep.  The Mr. got up with her this time and put her in the crate. He then fed the big dog and the old dog continued to bark in that pleasant high pitched yelp.  When she finally quieted down I fed her. Bossy old dog.

The boys had a blast yesterday.  The oldest was all suited up to ride when I came down from my shower, and the youngest had already been to the store with daddy to buy a birthday gift for his friend.

We all went up to Grandma’s so the boys could ride their bikes…one motorized…the other powered by 9 year old legs.  The oldest learned to shift which is not as easy as it sounds, since the bike is a full size bike and he has to shift with his foot and the clutch.  Not your little kid type bike that shifts from the handle bars.  They both had a lot of fun and we had fun watching them.L1030505L1030504

The Mr. has to pick Lorenzo up from the airport at 9:00 a.m. and I have two days of laundry to catch up on. Bummer!  I would prefer to be outside planting something pretty, or something we can eat.

The boys are off school, as we mentioned before.  I do not have a sitter for tonights event or tomorrow nights event.  I’ve called every sitter we have ever used, but they all have something…work, soccer, lacrosse, etc.  Maybe Grandma or Uncle T. would enjoy their company?

The Mr. also needs to go to the distributer to pick up wine sometime today and I still need to go to Kinkos to have cards made up.   It is time to make breakfast and start the day.

God Bless


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