Today I believe will be my last post. It occurred to me the other day that if you don’t want people talking or gossiping about you, keep your words and thoughts to yourself, so that’s what I’ve decided to do.
You see, a little bit of information or knowledge in anything is a bad thing. It usually gives people what they believe, the ability to judge or make decisions when in reality, they are usually way off base as they don’t have all the facts. With the limited amount of time I have to write every morning, this can and does easily happen here. So to save you all any more concern or worry, I’m done. I will miss sharing my views on politics but feel better knowing I’m not causing anyone any concern. I’m really disappointed and maybe down the road I’ll change my mind but as for now, I have to let it, and the blog go.
So there you have it, take care, God Bless.