Lots of snow

The snow outside this morning is a wet snow with high moisture content meaning it’s much heavier to shovel.We probably have a good 8 inches which doesn’t sound like much until you go to shovel it.

No comments from anyone? I didn’t think I’d get any but that’s ok.

I must have drove 200 miles yesterday. It started with a trip the the sales meeting and then downtown for a haircut, then up Deer Creek Canyon, then home, then downtown and then to Boulder. Meanwhile Mom picked up the oldest at noon who then, along with Jag, his friend and Mom and two other boys, went on what turned out to be a 7 mile hike up in the mountains. I think they thought they were just going on a little jaunt up a trail but it turned into much much more. Not only was it long and vertical, they also were snowed on as this storm started in the mountains before it hit us here at our house. I was in snow in Boulder at 2:30 so I figured they were in the thick of it. The youngest was also on a hike with his friend and Mom. I picked him up around 5 and we all made it home about the same time. Lori was limping around last night as she was pretty sore. I can only imagine what shape she’ll be in today. Lucky we have lots of snow today so she can just sit on the couch!

I-70 is closed to the east meaning to Kansas and Oklahoma and chains are required on all vehicles going to the mountains. I’m sure the boys will get me out sledding today at some point.

I guess I’ll skip politics today which I’m sure pleases some of you. With that, I’m out of material so time to go. Have a great weekend and God Bless.

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