Man, it’s still cold here, I have a bad habit of running out in the morning to get the paper in my boxers (I know, too much information) when I first get up. If this keeps up I might have to re-think my routine.
What a day yesterday, the odor in the basement has now turned into a living organism with a life of its own. The plumber arrives at noon to tear out the wall, ceiling and who knows what else to hunt down the elusive beast now known around these parts as the “smell”. We’re not sure how long it will take to fix this mess but hopefully the worst will be over once the leak is stopped. He (or she, not sure of the sex) has now worked its way to one of the upstairs bathrooms. The water goes up and down and gurgles on its own, like its taunting us! D Day is 12 noon MST, stay tuned.
Today is the last day of winter break for the kids as the bell rings at 8:10 am sharp tomorrow. Again due to the weather, they didn’t get a whole lot of exercise but had a pretty good day. Our youngest helped clean out the basement (man he’s strong, kind of like Bam Bam from the Flintstones) while the oldest was at a birthday party. Overall we are really blessed as they are really very good boys.
It’s a big week on the economic front for our small brood as we need to come up with an extra few thousand dollars just to get to the middle of the month. Too bad we’re not the government, we could just print it or borrow from China! Anyhow, it’s only money, right. Looks like my wife has an in at Whole Foods, (they don’t pay a whole lot but do give a 20% discount to employee’s off of their groceries which is worth about $5000 a month to us they way the kids eat!) so today hopefully she’ll interview for a part time position. They’re a really good Company, good healthy products and most of the people that work there seem really nice. Keep your fingers crossed. In the meantime I’ll figure something out (hopefully) but it’ll be a little tougher with no credit cards to juggle since we did actually cut them up! Probably should have thought that one through a bit more but we’re now all in.
Still eating leftovers, (it’s amazing how you can eat the same thing every day and make it taste totally different just by changing sauces) which is good as we need to really watch our spending on everything, including food, this month. We’re thinking of getting some cows and chickens. We asked grandma if we could put them up her place a few houses away as she has a big pasture, but she said no. Her birthday is coming up at the end of January, wonder what we’ll get her, hmmmm.
Anyhow, time to get to the gym and then to work. I feel pretty refreshed (which is surprising as I really never get a break) and am excited for the new year. Must be the all expense paid trip for the whole family to Hawaii in early December thanks to my in-laws, wow is Hawaii beautiful, thank you thank you D & D! Need to finalize 2010 numbers, review my team and decide what changes if any, (who am I kidding, there will be some changes), I need to make, and then head off strong into the new year. We’re blessed that I have a good job, (although I worked very hard for it and paid my dues) which I really like. This could really be a break out year, (the past few we’ve done pretty well despite the economy), which would really be nice as a lot of the reason we are in debt is that when we started our Company we had to go a few years with little or no income, time to get paid!
So, off we go into battle for another day, hope everyone is healthy and happy.
God bless.