A fun day

I’m sure Mom will post some pictures when she wakes up as she took a bunch yesterday, mostly at the zoo. We woke up around 7am and all started to get ready for the day. The sun was beaming through the windows and the view was incredible. By about 9:30 we headed for the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. As soon as we drove through the security gates, it was a quick left and a short 100 yard drive to the zoo!

We spent the next 3 hours walking all over seeing everything from wolves and grizzly bears to giraffes (which the kids fed lettuce) to zebra’s, monkeys, hippos, leopards and more. The kids had a blast and got lots of exercise.

We then headed back to the house and threw the sheets in the dryer as we decided to come home last night to be with the dogs. We thought about spending the night again but didn’t have groceries for dinner and would just wake up and leave anyhow, so we planned on coming home late in the afternoon.

First up, after some trampoline jumping and ping pong by the kids, was a short drive to Edelweiss Restaurant, that our new friends Helga and Dieter (he goes by Gary) own. It’s been there forever and was just packed. Helga took us downstairs to a big table and set us all up. The food was real traditional german food that was incredible. Everyone was thrilled with their lunch and the german beer was pretty good too. Before we left Helga took me into the kitchen to meet Salvatore, their pastry chef from Italy. We talked in Italian for a bit and she also introduced me to a few other people before we left. It was a good time, my Mom would really enjoy it as I think it would remind her of when she was younger, it was very Wisconsin!

We made it back up to the house and I packed up the car while the misses made the beds and the kids played outside. We stopped to get our friend a thank you card and had also brought him a few gifts like a bottle of olive oil and wine. It was a fun stay and everyone had a blast. We loaded the kids up and made it back to Denver by 5:20. It was much cooler at home than in the Springs where it was a really nice day. The rest of the day (or night) was spent on the couch after putting everything away.

That’s about it, I’m off to the gym and everyone else is, you guessed it, still sleeping. I think I’ll tackle the garage today as I have 200 cases of wine being flown in from Italy in about a week. Take care and God Bless.

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