Where does the day go

Yesterday we had basketball, baseball and D.I. Throw in the misses doctor’s appointment, Mojo to the groomer, a trip to the grocery store and lighting place, 3 conference calls, the oldest guys inter-murals at 7am and a 8am trip to Office Depot and the day just got away from us.

Time sure flies. It’ll be summer before you know it, then fall and then another year will be gone. Meanwhile most people just loaf through the day, going about a routine that’s the same day after day. On top of that, we as a people have flat out become soft. God help us should we ever have to live as our grandparents did as I fear we wouldn’t even be able to handle that much less life as it was 100 years ago. Check this quote out from a friend, it might be a little over the top but if you think about it, he’s pretty much spot on.

We’re a fat, lazy society that buys our food at the supermarket and McDonald’s. We work in offices and spend 12 hours a day on facebook or watching honey boo boo. We all throw a party and watch the Super Bowl. We mock and demonize our military, farmers, and successful entrepreneurs. We’re an entitlement society.

Not a whole lot here you can argue with. Realizing this is true, we’re surely headed in the wrong direction. When did we turn the corner where people no longer took responsibility or care of themselves and expected the government to take care of them. When or more important, why do we look at all successful people as criminals or bad? Why is success now a bad thing? Isn’t being a hard working farmer a noble profession? I personally think that politicians have created the environment that pushes this agenda. Everything has to be P.C. or politically correct these days. Gays in the Boy Scouts, same sex marriage, not being able to say Merry Christmas anymore or having any reference to God in school plays and on and on. Where does it say that those that work have to give money to those that don’t? Why is it if a republican doesn’t want to own a gun, he doesn’t go buy one but if a democrat doesn’t want to own a gun, he doesn’t want anyone to own a gun? You do realize the basic principal of socialism is equal distribution of wealth and that socialism leads to communism. Fear not though as just like all great civilizations in history, reckless spending and self indulgence will self correct us long before I think we’ll get to that point. Our World is so connected these days that things move so much faster than they did years ago which will speed up the “correction” of our society as we know it. The underlying point here is we cannot continue to spend money we do not have, even though leaders like Nancy Pelosi can get on tv just yesterday and say that Washington doesn’t have a spending problem, unbelievable, who voted for her??? Thankfully 83% of the American people disagree. Hopefully they will vote these misguided people out of office next election.

Alright I’ll stop now. See what you get when I have too much sleep. This morning I’ll be off to Boulder at 8:30 and then home around 11 or 12. Tomorrow we go back to Boulder to another doctor for the misses. I’m not sure what she’s doing today but she did make a giant 4 foot tall box that looks like an Ipod for the oldest guys Valentines Day box. Today she’s building the youngest ones. I’m not sure of the theme.

The oldest did great at baseball. Lots of good kids on the team. The youngest guy slammed his hand in the car door when coming home from basketball practice, ouch! Everyone is still sleeping and it’s 6am. I’m still a little sore from my hard workout the other day so I’ll take a day off from the gym.

That’s about it, maybe todays post will spur some comments as we haven’t heard much from you lately. Hope all’s well, take care and God Bless (I can still say that right?)

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