Rhythms and Tinickling

Good Morning, the sun is coming up and the colors are spectacular! The sky is a deep turquoise adorned with puffs of clouds in orange, pink and violet. Truly breath taking.

Both boys had dentist appointments yesterday…oldest needs to brush more thoroughly as I am sure most 9yr olds do and the 7yr old has a tooth that came in with a minor cavity that needs to be filled. Bummer.The youngest wanted to play in the bath after the dentist gave him a cool squirting toy, so he did.  When we drained the bath….you guessed it….water came pouring from the ceiling once again over the washing machine. Ugg, with a few four letter words that I would like to shout from the rooftop.  I called my Man and Bob the plumber….again. Bob will be here today or tomorrow….can you say “Money Pit”?

The boys came with me to give Bunkie a.k.a.little old dog his shot last night and were so well behaved that Little Old Lady offered to watch them anytime that my husband and I wanted to go out for an early dinner. She said to just bring down some books and they would be fine.  So sweet, but as you all well know the books would only entertain them for 5 minutes….I’m not sure what she would do with them for the other hour and 55mins. Maybe they would surprise me and be the well behaved little boys that they were last night…don’t think I’ll chance it at the expense of L.o.L. Very thoughtful offer though.

Little man(our youngest finished his costume last night. I may be a bit bias but I think the costume is great! I found a yard and a half of python fabric and a baseball hat for him to work with….he cut out eyes and taped them to the sides of the cap and tucked the fabric under his cap an wrapped himself up.  He also colored a red split tong and cut it out to put in his mouth…toooo cute!

The dog only woke me once at 1a.m…..not so bad. She got into something that has her itching all over. My sweet four legged girl is allergic to almost everything and since I am positive she suffers form a doggie eating disorder(if she can find it and get to it she will eat it)she eats things that do not agree with her sensitive system. Anyway, she went out and rolled and rubbed and scratched for 30minutes. I put drops in her ears and a 1/4 tsp of benadryl and the two of us headed back to bed. By the way, an honorable “Thank You” to Aunt Blondie for getting the medicine from the Vet.   The boys never heard a thing!!

The boys both have performances at school this morning…Square Dancing and Tinikling . Tinikling is jumping over and through two long sticks that kids are holding at each end of the sticks  to the beat of music. It’s really cool. The eldest at 10:00a.m. and youngest at 12:15..we had no notice from the school, or if we did I missed it.  Dad will be missing both…he is bummed the boys are bummed and I heard all about how unfair it is that Dad won’t see the performance for most of the night… until my little protesters fell asleep.

I made my first vintage belt bling yesterday…it is simple and…hopefully it will catch on. We shall see.

Dad gets home about 5 tonight….maybe we will do game night.  We have to be at the High School at 8:30a.m. tomorrow for the Destination Imagination 1st grade competition. They will be done by 9:45 and then we wait to hear how they did. They also have an Instant Challenge with no coach involved…the Judges give the children a scenario and they come up with an instant play…good luck 1st graders!!! I am so excited, as is my 1st grader.

We need to get get moving..dressed..teeth brushed(well) etc.

Enjoy the day…God Bless.



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