Home for a Day

I landed about 5pm ast night from Washington D.C. (actually flew out of BWI airport as it’s easier, newer and tons cheaper) after a quick 27 hours on the east coast. What a historic city our nations Capital is. The boys are just about old enough to appreciate it so we’ll have to plan a family trip soon. Thankfully through connections, I stayed at a boutique hotel, 4 blocks from the Capital that was normally $500 a night, for $159. (plus they even upgraded me!) We had a great sushi dinner at Santen, one of the top restaurants in D.C. that should have cost $500 as well but were only charged $100. It’s nice to know people. Monday was cold and rainy in D.C. with yesterday clear, sunny and kind of cool. I took a quick drive around the National Mall which encompasses everything from the White House to the Capital and all sights in between. It’s quite a sight.

As soon as I landed I rushed to my car to go get the boys from my brother and his wife. Upon arrival they had taco’s prepared for us for dinner, thanks! Aunt Blondie commented that she doesn’t know how we do it, referring to raising the boys. It seems about 5 hours over two days was enough for her. I guess when you’re the parents you somewhat get used to it. What I mean is they will always find something to fight over as that’s what 7 and 9 year old brothers do. Point is, whatever it is, it’ll pass in a few minutes as they have a short attention span. You just need to ride it out.

I’m off to Phoenix tomorrow and back Friday and then done for a few weeks, I think. I was almost pulled into a San Francisco trip next Tuesday but have jury duty. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get some cool case involving Charlie Sheen! Mom got home around 8:15 and I had both boys already asleep. Today she works from 3 until 9:45pm so we won’t see each other much as I have a busy day. She’s then off Thursday, Friday and Saturday but I’m gone the first two of those. At least we’ll be together Saturday. It’s almost 6am and everyone will be waking soon so I need to get some work done before the morning party starts. I’ll let Mom post tomorrow as she writes so well and I’m sure is a welcome change from my thoughts. Hope everyone is well and happy, take care,


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