Happy Thanksgiving

First off, here’s a couple of comments from yesterday, both from down the street!

  1. Blondie says:

    Not to sound “upity” but I think you meant blow this popcicle stand! LOL
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who reads this Blog:)

  2. Tom says:

    Noticed you didn’t get your lights up! Slacker, you have until Friday night! Ha ha.
    Must be busy, cause your usually almost finished by now!

    Now I’m not one to correct, but I think the saying, as I remember it, is “blow this popcorn stand”. I hadn’t heard “popsicle stand” before, maybe it’s a gender or geographic thing. As far as my lights, well Uncle T is right, I just haven’t had the time. I was going to try to get them done yesterday but had to take the youngest to the doctor, go grocery shopping ($306! WOW is food expensive!) get the youngest a hair cut and that took us right up to dark which now comes about 5pm.

    We have three football games on tv today, which I’m thankful for as football is a nice diversion from all the pressures of life. But I wanted to ask all of you to comment on what you’re thankful for. For us as a family, there’s the obvious, our health, a roof over our heads, food on the table and all of you. But if you dig deeper and think about it, what do you come up with? I think too many people focus on what they don’t have, rather than what they do have. I’m not just talking materialistic things either. You might focus on not being able to lose those few extra pounds rather than how healthy you are and so on. So, let’s hear it, what do you have to say. I’ll take Peyton Manning off the table right now as everyone in Denver is thankful for him!

    By the way, Peyton is feeding over 10,000 people today through his various foundations. He’s not only a great quarterback, he’s a great guy. Go Bronco’s!

    Today my mom is coming over at 2 or so. We decided (or I did) to get a turkey anyhow. I did get a pre cooked one from Whole Foods and hopefully it’s foolproof. I did this mainly for the kids as Thanksgiving is supposed to be turkey and all the trimmings. After all, we’re not Chinese or anything. We’ll also have mashed potato’s and gravy, green beans, stuffing, assorted salads (like my mom’s famous cucumber salad) and pecan and cherry pie with home made whipped cream. Put that together with lots of football and you have a traditional Thanksgiving.

    Uncle T and Aunt B are having, I think, her parents over. This morning I think we’re going on a walk with a bunch of people and then going to one of our friends houses for coffee and pastries. Then we’ve been invited to stop into another friends house in Genesse and then dessert at more friends this evening downtown. No pressure, just lots of invites.

    It’s almost 5:30 and I’m headed to the gym. Everyone is still sleeping. It’s good to be home from Aspen. As I said yesterday, we enjoy Steamboat much much more than Aspen. It was so pretentious that it makes Paris look like a little mid western town. (no slam on Paris as it’s one of our favorite city’s on earth!) Anyhow, it’s great to be back home with the dogs and our own bed.

    In closing, take care, have a great day and God Bless. Let’s hear from all of you on what you’re thankful for, it shouldn’t be that difficult to come up with something. Hope your turkey turns our great and don’t eat too much as there’s always tomorrow and leftovers, which are really the best part anyhow!


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