A clean closet

The misses finally did it, she cleaned her closet. I’ll bet she’s sore today but she had to do something as that’s just who she is. so after years of procrastination, she did it. It took her the whole day and I think she still has some things strewn around the upstairs, but the closet looks great. I’m sure she’ll be wearing a bunch of new (or old) things we haven’t seen for years, as they’ve been lost in the abyss known as her closet. Next up will be the upstairs guest bedroom.

The boys had a good day at school and played as soon as they arrived home as they have no homework on Friday’s. They also stayed up until 11pm watching tv. They promised to go to bed earlier but you know how that goes. Mom and I had fell asleep but thankfully woke up at 11 to get them both upstairs.

If you’ve been following the story of the 10 year old girl abducted while walking 3 blocks to school, they found her body. What kind of sick person would do this. Now we have some predator living here they have to catch. They say she must have been followed as whoever took her only had 3 minutes or so to grab her. She must have been stalked or followed. We are very sad and disillusioned with life in the city when these things happen. I know this kind of stuff can happen anywhere but it seems less common in the smaller towns in the mountains. We’re seriously contemplating moving out of Denver in a few years or so.

Yesterday my buddy Rik spent the entire day with us until around 7pm when his wife finally was out of surgery. She was in for 10 hours! They spent the night at the hospital and today will move into a hotel in Cherry Creek for 3 days until they have a post op appointment on Monday before heading back up to Vail. For those of you wondering, yes this was cosmetic surgery, but still surgery.

My hunting buddy shot an antelope yesterday morning down in southeastern Colorado. He’ll process it today (chop it up!) and the oldest and I will probably go help him.

Both dogs are at my feet and it’s pitch black outside. Everyone is still sleeping so I think I’ll run to the gym. Hope everyone is well, take care and have a great day.

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