It’s very cold here, we live in the western United States and while we’ve missed most of the heavy snow this year we’re in the midst of a 4 day span with an average temperature of 10 degrees with all nights way below zero. What’s this mean? For one, the kids are inside more than out which requires creative ideas to keep them occupied.
For the most part, yesterday was a good day. Besides the sink still clogged, (who knows what my brother or sister in law threw down the sink on New Years Eve!) and the bitter cold, everyone had a lot of fun on the first day of the new year.
The kids didn’t really miss the sweets and did pretty well with their dinner. My wife cut up a bunch of fresh veggies and made some fresh guacamole and chips and just put them on the kitchen counter. Turns out kids will graze, kind of like cattle, on just about anything you put in front of them. My wife is sore from her New Years Eve workout at the gym, (man she’s tough, like pro athlete tough), and will try to get there or somehow get some exercise today. It’s a bit after 5am with everyone still sleeping and I’ll get to the gym by 6. The sewer man comes at 9am so church is probably out today. We’re really trying to make a consistent effort to get to church for the kids. They actually enjoy it and are at the age where they’re asking a lot of questions we just don’t have the answer to. Funny how a 7 year old can stump even the most educated adult.
So everyone ate pretty healthy, no Dairy Queen binges, we didn’t go out and buy new Rolex watches, passed on alcohol and managed to get some good sleep. Today I have to tackle my home office as the new work year (and I’m already weeks behind with work, can never get caught up!) starts tomorrow.
Need to also organize the cupboards as whenever we have any little extra cash, we now buy extra food. Anyone notice how food prices keep rising? Not to go off on a rant but we are living in scary times. Everyone must prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If you look around the world (just watch the news) there are some real issues and the problem is we’re all so desensitized that we all just accept it as normal. Imagine if you were in a coma since 1960 and just woke up! Boy would you be scared!
More tomorrow as the gym awaits, turns out the old saying “use it or lose it” is true. In fact most of what my parents told me when I was young is actually true! WOW, wish I would have realized that, would have made life much much easier. When our parents were kids, it was the older people that were respected, revered and considered to be the wise ones. Not sure when this changed (must have had something to do with rap music) but it wasn’t a good thing. Change isn’t always good. If you could pick a generation or time span to grow up and live in, what would it be, hmmm, interesting thought to ponder.
God Bless
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