A long day

I finally wrapped up the day at 8pm after dropping off Alessandro and Rita at their hotel. This morning they have a 6am flight to Chicago. Meanwhile the boys went swimming yesterday with Andrea and her kids. Earlier in the am the misses and I went to another post op appointment where the doctor said she’s doing fine.

I’m not sure what all they did yesterday as I was gone. It looks like the news is back to politics today with lies and more lies being spread by the incumbent. Sorry to dive in but even Factcheck.org (the unbiased company that rates the truth in advertising) is blasting the democratic campaign for misleading ads. Today we also have Diane Feinstein, the senior democratic senator from California saying the White House leaked classified information to make the President look better, nice, real nice. I’ll stop now as I don’t want to make some of you mad but this has to stop. Where’s Bill Clinton when you need him?

Here’s one for you, did you know that starting next year there’s a new tax on selling a house that’s in the health care bill. When you sell your house, 3.8 % now goes to the government to fund the health care bill which turned out to cost 3 or 4 times what we were told. So if you sell a $400,000 house, you now have to pay $15,200 in new taxes right off the top, nice, real nice. They sure snuck that one in under the radar. The National Association of Realtors is up in arms trying to stop it but most people don’t know about it or other new hidden taxes (there’s 20 of them) related to the health care law that will supposedly save us all money. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and Google it as it’s true. You will find out about some of these taxes when YOU have to pay for one but by then it’ll be too late to do anything about it.

I could go on and on but I can’t let this consume me. I just pray everyone will think for themselves and not be swayed by slick rhetoric from a skilled orator. This is maybe the most critical election we’ve had certainly in my lifetime and people need to take more than a casual interest. One must look at everything, not just one issue on either sides platform.

Ok ok, sorry to those I’ve offended, I’ll run now as I can’t seem to stop myself. It’s just so upsetting to see our freedoms eroding almost daily.

God Bless

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